DCTR-1B Impedance Relay

Manufacturer: Whipp & Bourne Ltd.

Model: DCTR-1B

The Whipp and Bourne DCTR-1B is an impedance and undervoltage relay used on some electrified sections operated by Network Rail in the United Kingdom.

Cephos Electronic Circuits Ltd has been modifying, repairing and testing this impedance / undervoltage relay since 1999

The dynamic and static testing of the DCTR-1B  relay is undertaken using an original DCTR-2TE test set and the test procedure set out in C001 Issue B May 1999 together with a unique modified Simulated Circuit Breaker DCTR-2SB which has light emitting diodes to indicate the condition of the on-board signal relays which are showing trip, alarm, fault and track-alive status.

Test Parameters

According to Ref: T112, Issue E; Apr 1991 Appedix B : Page 17

Static Impedance Accuracy Test

Static Undervoltage Accuracy Test

Trip Timing Accuracy Test

Track Alive Threshold Accuracy Test

High Set Current Accuracy Test

Reverse Undervoltage Threshold Current Accuracy Test

Impedance / Undervoltage Threshold Accuracy Test

System Fault Threshold Current Accuracy Test

Shutdown Procedure

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